This page provides a list of recommended secure configuration checks for IBM b-type directors and switches, and is periodically updated. IBM b-type directors and switches connect servers and storage devices in a Storage Area Network (SAN).
Interested to learn about StorageGuard Benchmark Checks for IBM? |
ID | System | Category | Configuration check |
K0204I0MP100 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Access restriction by IP |
K0204I000105 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Approved aaa servers |
K0604I00P110 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Approved DNS servers |
K0604I0MP115 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Approved NTP Servers |
K0604I000120 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Approved syslog servers |
K0604I0MP125 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Banner status |
K0604I00P130 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Default users used |
K060400M0135 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Default zone |
K0604I00P140 | IBM b-type | Access Control | FC security policies |
K0604I0MP145 | IBM b-type | Access Control | G_port locking status |
K0604I0M0150 | IBM b-type | Access Control | IPfilter status |
K0604I0MP155 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Motd status |
K0604I0M0160 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Prevent ports from becoming E_Ports |
K0604I0MP165 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Session timeout |
K0604I0M0170 | IBM b-type | Access Control | SNMP Access Control List |
K0604I0M0175 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Unused ports not disabled (persistently) |
K0204I0M0180 | IBM b-type | Access Control | Zone member identification type |
K0204I0MP185 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | Audit log content |
K1504I0MP190 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | Audit logging status |
K1504I0MP195 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | Centralized log server |
K1504I00P200 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | Centralized log server redundancy |
K1504I0MP205 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | Event types enabled for audit logging |
K1504I0MP210 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | NTP configuration |
K1504I0M0215 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | NTP server redundancy |
K1504I0MP220 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | Required NTP Servers |
K1504I00P225 | IBM b-type | Audit Logging | Required syslog servers |
K1504I0M0230 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Account lockout threshold |
K1504I0MP235 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Allow username in passwords |
K1504I0M0240 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Authentication (aaa) server configuration |
K150400MP245 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Authentication hash algorithm |
K1504I0MP250 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Authentication server redundancy |
K0204I00P255 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Certificate validation mode |
K0204I00P260 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Default passwords |
K0704I0MP265 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Default passwords (disabled account) |
K0704I0MP270 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Device Authentication Policy |
K0704I0MP275 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Last password change |
K0704I0M0280 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Lockout enforcement for admin |
K0704I0MP285 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Maximum length of sequential character sequences |
K07040000290 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Maximum number of repeated password characters |
K0704I0MP295 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Maximum password age |
K0704I00P300 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum account lockout duration |
K0704I0MP305 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum password age |
K0704I0MP310 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum password digits |
K0704I0M0315 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum password length |
K0704I0MP320 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum password lowercase characters |
K0704I0MP325 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum password special characters |
K0704I0M0330 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum password string change |
K0704I0MP335 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Minimum password uppercase characters |
K0204I0MP340 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Number of disallowed past passwords |
K0204I0MP345 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Password hash strength |
K0204I0M0350 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Password reverse check |
K0904I0MP355 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Past passwords check is enabled |
K0904I00P360 | IBM b-type | Authentication | PWD policy status |
K0904I0MP365 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Required aaa servers |
K0904I0M0370 | IBM b-type | Authentication | SNMP community default string |
K0904I0MP375 | IBM b-type | Authentication | SNMP community default string (ro) |
K0904I0MP380 | IBM b-type | Authentication | SNMP user authentication |
K0904I0MP385 | IBM b-type | Authentication | Switch authentication policy |
K090400M0390 | IBM b-type | Authorization | LDAP mapping to role |
K0904I0MP395 | IBM b-type | Authorization | User role configuration |
K0904I0MP400 | IBM b-type | Authorization | Users not assigned with roles |
K0904I00P405 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | DNS server redundancy |
K0904I0MP410 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | DNS service status |
K0904I0M0415 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | Fabric wide consistency policy |
K0904I0MP420 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | Firmware integrity check |
K0904I0M0425 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | Remote support status |
K0904I0MP430 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | Required DNS servers |
K0904I0MP435 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | Single HBA zoning |
K0904I0MP440 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | Tape and disk separate zones |
K0904I0MP445 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | Target Fabric OS (FOS) release |
K0904I00P450 | IBM b-type | Configuration Management | TCP timestamps |
K0904I0MP455 | IBM b-type | Encryption | Cipher strength |
K0204I00P460 | IBM b-type | Encryption | HTTPS cipher strength |
K0204I00P465 | IBM b-type | Encryption | LDAP SSL |
K030400MP470 | IBM b-type | Encryption | Secure upload/download |
K0304I0MP475 | IBM b-type | Encryption | SNMP security level |
K0304I0MP480 | IBM b-type | Encryption | SSH cipher strength |
K0304I00P485 | IBM b-type | Encryption | SSH KEX strength |
K0304I0M0490 | IBM b-type | Encryption | SSH MAC strength |
K0304I0MP495 | IBM b-type | Encryption | TLS security level |
K0304I0MP500 | IBM b-type | Hardening | FIPS mode |
K0304I0MP505 | IBM b-type | Hardening | FIPS verification |
K0304I0MP510 | IBM b-type | Hardening | Root access |
K0304I00P515 | IBM b-type | Monitoring | Active MAPS policy |
K0204I0M0520 | IBM b-type | Monitoring | Email notification |
K0204I00P525 | IBM b-type | Monitoring | Security monitoring rules |
K0204I0MP530 | IBM b-type | Services and Protocols | FTP status |
K0204I00P535 | IBM b-type | Services and Protocols | HTTP service status |
K020400MP540 | IBM b-type | Services and Protocols | REST API status |
K0204I0MP545 | IBM b-type | Services and Protocols | SNMP versions enabled |
K0204I0M0550 | IBM b-type | Services and Protocols | Telnet service status |
K0204I0MP555 | IBM b-type | Services and Protocols | Unused port status |
... and more. |
NOTE: Other than IBM b-type Fabric OS (FOS), additional security baseline checks should be performed against IBM management products such as Network Advisor, SANnav and other IBM software components.
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