AvailabilityGuard collects configuration data from Hitachi Ops Center by running read-only Management Rest API on the Hitachi Ops Center (Configuration Manager module).
The collection process relies on:
- Receiving initial token by authenticating with “Ops Center Portal” (URI: “portal/auth/v1/providers/builtin/token”).
- Discovering all the storage arrays managed by the Hitachi Ops Center (URI: “ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages”).
- Receiving a token for a specific StorageID (URL: “/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/[StorageID]/sessions” )
- Querying the API to collect data for each StorageID.
Hitachi Ops Center Requirements and Configuration
- Create a user account (and password) for AG to connect to
- The user requires the Role : Storage Administrator – View only
- The user needs to have the required privileges on the Hitachi Devices it needs to scan.
- Install the API Configuration Manager module and make sure the service is enabled.
- The default port is 23451
- Hitachi documentation can be found here:
API Configuration Manager - Hitachi Vantara Knowledge
Verify the OpsCenter Setup
Please complete this step fully to make sure the OpsCenter is configured correctly and has the required access to the storage devices:
- On AG host use Windows Explorer to navigate to the CURL location: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\tools\curl\bin\
- Type cmd in the Explorer to open a cmd window in this location
- run this command - fill in the [user] , [password] and [server]
curl -k -v -u "[user]:[password]" -X POST -s https://[Server]:443/portal/auth/v1/providers/builtin/token
Output: you will find a line like:
Authorization: Basic U1BVlJBTpzZFV6c3B3Kzdz==
- Copy the whole line.
- Run this command and change the Authorization with the one you copy , don’t forgert to change also [Server]
curl -k -v -H "Accept:application/json" -X GET https://[Server]:23451/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages -H "Authorization: Basic U1BVlJBTpzZFV6c3B3Kzdz=="
Output: you will get a JSON output with one or more storageDeviceId numbers
– copy all of them.
- For each of the storageDeviceId run this curl ( change the [Server] to OpsCenter server and the [storageDeviceId] with ones you got previously:
curl -k -v -u "[user]:[password]" -X POST -s https://[Server]:23451/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/[storageDeviceId]/sessions
Output: you will get a token and ID, copy only the token number
- Now you can run every API you like using the session token ( replace the XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX with token you got
curl -k -v -H "Accept:application/json" -X GET https://[Server]:23451/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/[storageDeviceId]/remote-replications -H "Authorization:Session XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"
output: you will get Json output with the information requested in the API.
If you don’t get the Json output, then there is an issue with the user and/or privileges
- More Apis to try: https://[Server]:23451/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/[storageDeviceId]/ports?detailInfoType=class https://[Server]:23451/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/[storageDeviceId]/drives?detailInfoType=class https://[Server]:23451/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/[storageDeviceId]/auditlog-syslog-servers/instance
- Add a new Storage Proxy (Settings=-->Scan-->Storage-->Proxies):
- Select Type Hitachi VSP
- Add IP address (Provide the name or IP address of the Hitachi Ops Center)
- Select or Add a new Policy ( Credentials – The user/passwd created for AG to scan in previous paragraph)
- Select the Site
Its possible to change the OpsCenter ports from the defaults in the system properties:
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