The following article describes common EMC Symmetrix / VMAX scan issues and how to resolve them -
Important note: the scan required a storage proxy host installed with the EMC Solution Enabler software (AKA SYMCLI server).
Gatekeepers not present
The SYMCLI server is not configured with gatekeepers for the arrays in scope and therefore cannot report on the arrays. Consult your storage administrators regarding EMC gatekeepers.
You may encounter the following errors in the Scan Troubleshooting page:
- Error opening the gatekeeper device for communication to the Symmetrix
- The base daemon is not running
No permission to run read-only commands (no sudo)
Certain read-only commands require elevated permissions. The account used for scanning should have the permissions to run those commands. permission can be granted at the SYMCLI level or through sudo or similar access control solution (PowerBroker, UPM, CA eTrust, etc.). Refer to Recommended /etc/sudoers configuration for additional information about sudo configuration.
If not granted, you may encounter the following errors in the Scan Troubleshooting page: The caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation
Incorrect storage proxy
The SYMCLI server configured to scan the storage array is not the correct proxy (does not have access to the target storage system).
You may encounter the following error in the Scan Troubleshooting page: The specified Symmetrix ID is unknown
NOTE: The EMC Solutions Enabler software is installed on a Unix / Linux / Windows host. Refer to Common Unix / Linux scan issues and Common windows scan issues for additional troubleshooting advice.
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