This article provides reference information for the AvailabilityGuard Web Services API.
In this article -
List of Interfaces and Data Objects classes (interfaces):
- BusinessEntityAPI
- ClusterAPI
- ComparisonAPI
- ConfigurationAPI
- DatabaseAPI
- HostAPI
- ScanAPI
- SiteAPI
- TaskAPI
- TicketAPI classes (objects):
- AppUserData
- BusinessEntityData
- BusinessEntityResourceData
- ClusterData
- ClusterResourceData
- ComparisonGroupData
- ConnectivityPolicyData
- DatabaseData
- DatabaseResourceData
- EntityData
- FullCycleData
- HostData
- HostNodeData
- HostResourceData
- ReportTaskData
- ScanTroubleshootingData
- SiteData
- TaskOnQueue
- TicketData
- WorksheetData
Detailed API Reference
Class BusinessEntityAPI
This API provides access functions to the basic functionality on business entities.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String[] |
findBusinessEntitiesContainingCluster(ClusterResourceData clusterResourceData) Returns business entities associated with the cluster given as parameter. |
String[] |
findBusinessEntitiesContainingDatabase(DatabaseResourceData databaseResourceData) Returns business entities associated with the database given as parameter. |
String[] |
findBusinessEntitiesContainingHost(HostResourceData hostResourceData) Returns business entities associated with the host given as parameter. |
getAllBusinessEntities() Returns s list of all business entities in the system. |
getAllBusinessEntityFullCycles() Returns all full cycle schedules which have "business entities" scope type. |
getBusinessEntity(String businessEntityName) Returns a business entity according to the name provided as parameter. |
getBusinessEntityById(Integer id) Returns a business entity according to the ID provided as parameter. |
String[] |
getBusinessEntityRoles() Returns a list of all business entity roles in the system. |
String[] |
getBusinessEntityTypes() Returns a list of all business entity types in the system. |
getFullCycleByName(String fullCycleConfigId) Returns the full cycle scheduling configuration by the name of the scanning schedule identifier. |
String[] |
getSLAPolicyNames() Returns a list of all SLA policy names in the system. |
String |
removeAssociations(String businessEntity, HostResourceData[] hostsToRemove, DatabaseResourceData[] databasesToRemove, ClusterResourceData[] clustersToRemove) Removes association between [hosts or/and databases] and business entity. |
String |
removeBusinessEntity(BusinessEntityData businessEntityData) Remove business entity from the system. |
String |
saveOrUpdateBusinessEntity(BusinessEntityData businessEntityData) Creates or updates a business entity. |
Class ClusterAPI
This API provides access functions to the basic functionality on clusters.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
getAllClusters() Returns s list of all clusters in the system. |
getCluster(String clusterName) Returns a cluster according to the name provided as parameter. |
getClusterById(Integer id) Returns a cluster according to the ID provided as parameter. |
Class ComparisonAPI
This API provides access functions to the basic functionality on hosts.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
createComparisonGroup(WorksheetData worksheet, String groupName, HostData[] hosts, ClusterData[] clusters) This method create a new comparison group for a given worksheet. |
createWorksheet(AppUserData appUserData, String name, String privacy, Boolean standbyAwareComparison) This method create a new worksheet for the given application user. |
getComparisonGroups(WorksheetData worksheet) Returns all the comparison groups for a given worksheet. |
getWorksheetsByUser(AppUserData appUserData) Returns a list of all worksheet in the system for a specific application user . |
Boolean |
removeComparisonGroup(WorksheetData worksheet, ComparisonGroupData groupData) Removes a comparison group from a given worksheet in the system. |
Boolean |
removeWorksheet(WorksheetData worksheet) Removes a worksheet from the system. |
Class ConfigurationAPI
This API provides access functions to general configuration items, such as connectivity policies, full cycle scheduling configuration, etc.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
executeSchduledReport(String reportId) Create a task for executing the scheduled report and enqueue it. |
String |
executeScheduledScanTaskByTaskId(String scanTaskId) Create a task for executing a scheduled scan and enqueue it, given the scan ID. |
String[] |
getAllScanTaskIds() Returns all the currently queued scan task IDs. |
getAllScheduledReports() Get all scheduled reports. |
getAppUsers() Retrieves a list of application users. |
getConnectivityPolicyByName(String name) Returns connectivity policy object according to the name provided. |
String[] |
getConnectivityPolicyNames() Returns a list of all connectivity policy names exist in the system. |
String[] |
getConnectivityPolicyTypes() Returns a list of the available policy types. |
String |
getLastSAPIDatabaseViewsUpdate() Execute Recreation of SAPI Database Views. |
String[] |
getProxyDefinitionNames() Returns a list of all proxy definition names exist in the system. |
String[] |
getSudoDefinitionNames() Returns a list of all sudo definition names exist in the system. |
String |
initiateDatabaseViewsCreation() Execute Recreation of SAPI Database Views. |
boolean |
isSAPIDatabaseViewsTurnedOn() Returns whether the SAPI Database Views feature turned on. |
int |
saveOrUpdateConnectivityPolicy(ConnectivityPolicyData policy) Saves a connectivity policy. |
Class DatabaseAPI
This API provides access functions to the basic functionality on database services.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
getAllDatabases() Returns s list of all database services in the system. |
getDatabase(String hostName, String databaseServiceName) Returns a database according to the host name and database service name provided as parameter. |
getDatabaseById(Integer id) Returns a database service according to the ID provided as parameter. |
String[] |
getDatabaseScanningGroupNames() Returns all database scanning groups. |
String[] |
getDatabaseTypes() Returns a list of all supported database types. |
String |
removeDatabase(DatabaseData databaseData) Remove database service from the system. |
String |
saveOrUpdateDatabase(DatabaseData databaseData) Creates or updates a database service. |
Class HostAPI
This API provides access functions to the basic functionality on hosts.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
Boolean |
changePassword(HostData host, String newChangedPassword) Determines the basic configuration of the password for the password rotation process. |
HostData[] |
getAllHosts() Returns s list of all hosts in the system. |
getHost(String hostName) Returns a host according to the name provided as parameter. |
getHostById(Integer id) Returns a host according to the ID provided as parameter. |
String[] |
getHostScanningGroupNames() Returns all host scanning groups. |
String[] |
getOperatingSystemTypes() Returns a list of all supported operating systems. |
String |
removeHost(HostData hostData) Remove host from the system. |
String |
saveOrUpdateHost(HostData hostData) Creates or updates a host. |
Class ScanAPI
This API provides ability to initiate scan operations.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
initiateHostDiscovery(HostData hostData) Execute host discovery. |
String |
initiateHostLoginCheck(HostData hostData) Verify connectivity and credentials to the host. |
String |
initiateHostPasswordRotation(HostData hostData) Execute rotation of the host password. |
String |
initiateHostScan(HostData hostData) Execute a full host scan. |
String |
initiateMultipleHostScan(HostData[] hostsData) Execute a full host scan for multiple hosts. |
Class SiteAPI
This API provides access functions to the basic functionality on sites.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
SiteData[] |
getAllSites() Returns a list of all sites in the system. |
getSite(String siteName) Returns a site according to the name provided as parameter. |
String |
removeSite(SiteData siteData) Remove the site from the system. |
String |
saveOrUpdateSite(SiteData siteData) Creates or updates a site. |
Class TaskAPI
Each save, update or remove an operation executed using the Web Services is inserted into the task queue. This API provides access functions to these tasks.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
void |
cancelTask(String taskId) Cancels a task and removes it from the task queue. |
getTasksOnQueue() Returns a list of all tasks in queue (running and pending). |
int |
getTaskStatus(String taskId) Returns the task status. |
Class TicketAPI
This API provides basic access functions to tickets.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
Integer[] |
getAllTicketIds() Returns a list of all the existing ticket IDs. |
getAllTickets() Returns a list of all the existing tickets. |
String |
getTicketByIdAsHtml(Integer ticketId) Returns a ticket details (in HTML format) according to the ticketId provided as parameter. |
String |
suppressTicket(Integer ticketId) Suppresses a ticket by ID. |
Class AppUserData
Represents an application user.
AppUserData(String name, Integer id)
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
Integer |
getId() Returns the application user id. |
String |
getName() Returns the application user name. |
void |
setId(Integer id) Sets the application user id. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the application user name. |
Class BusinessEntityData
Represents a business entity. Using this class you can query, update, create or delete business entities.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
getAssignedBusinessEntities() Returns the sub business entities of the business entity. |
getAssignedClusters() Returns the clusters that are members of the business entity. |
getAssignedDatabases() Returns the database services that are of the business entity. |
getAssignedHosts() Returns the hosts that are members of the business entity. |
String |
getDescription() Returns the business entity description. |
String[] |
getFullCycleScheduleNames() Returns the full cycle schedule configurations that this business entity is member of. |
String |
getName() Returns the business entity name. |
String |
getType() Returns the business entity type. |
void |
setAssignedBusinessEntities(BusinessEntityData[] assignedBusinessEntities) Sets business entities that will be members of the business entity. |
void |
setAssignedClusters(ClusterResourceData[] assignedClusters) Sets clusters that will be members of the business entity. |
void |
setAssignedDatabases(DatabaseResourceData[] assignedDatabases) Sets database services that will be members of the business entity. |
void |
setAssignedHosts(HostResourceData[] assignedHosts) Sets hosts that will be members of the business entity. |
void |
setDescription(String description) Sets the business entity description. |
void |
setFullCycleScheduleNames(String[] fullCycleScheduleNames) Sets the full cycle schedule configurations for this business entity. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the business entity name. |
void |
setType(String type) Sets the business entity type. |
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class BusinessEntityResourceData
Represents an entity which is a member of the business entity.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getRole() Returns the role inside the business entity. |
String |
getSlaPolicyName() Returns the SLA policy name associated with the entity inside the business entity. |
boolean |
isRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities() Whether this resource will be removed from any other business entity upon update operation. |
void |
setRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities(boolean removeFromOtherBusinessEntities) Sets the flag for the update operation to remove any association between the resource and other business entities it is currently member of. |
void |
setRole(String role) Sets the role inside the business entity. |
void |
setSlaPolicyName(String slaPolicyName) Sets the SLA policy name associated with the entity inside the business entity. |
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class ClusterData
Represents a cluster entity. Using this class you can query, update, create or delete cluster entities.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getDiscovery() Description of how the cluster found (Manually/Automatically). |
String |
getName() Return the cluster name. |
HostNodeData[] |
getNodes() Returns all the hosts in the cluster. |
String |
getType() Return the cluster type. |
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class ClusterResourceData
Represents an entity which is a member of the cluster entity.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getName() Returns the cluster name. |
String |
getType() Returns the cluster type. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the cluster name. |
void |
setType(String type) Sets the cluster type. |
Methods inherited from class getRole, getSlaPolicyName, isRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities, setRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities, setRole, setSlaPolicyName
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class ComparisonGroupData
Represents a comparison group entity. The Comparison Group is a dynamic group of hosts/cluster
ComparisonGroupData(String name, HostData[] hosts, ClusterData[] clusters)
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
static java.util.Set<String> |
getClusterIds(ClusterData[] clusters) Return the cluster IDs as strings, given a container of clusters. |
getClusters() Returns the clusters that are members of the comparison group entity. |
static ClusterData[] |
getClustersData(Set<String> clusterIds) Return the clusters, given a set of cluster IDs (as strings). |
Set<String> |
getHostIds(HostData[] hosts) Return the host IDs as strings, given a container of hosts. |
HostData[] |
getHosts() Returns the hosts that are members of the comparison group entity. |
static HostData[] |
getHostsData(Set<String> hostIds) Return the hosts, given a set of host IDs (as strings). |
String |
getName() Returns the name of the comparison group. |
String |
getType() Returns the type of the comparison group. |
Boolean |
isValid() Validate comparison group name (must be a non empty name). |
void |
setClusters(ClusterData[] clusters) Sets the clusters that are members of the comparison group entity. |
void |
setHosts(HostData[] hosts) Sets the hosts that are members of the comparison group entity. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the name of the comparison group. |
void |
setType(String type) Sets the name of the comparison group. |
String |
toString() |
Class ConnectivityPolicyData
This class represents the connectivity policy used to connect to hosts and databases. This API provides the option to create policies of the following types:
- Username/Password
- WindowsAuthentication
- RotatingPassword
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
java.util.Date |
getCredentialLastUpdateTime() The last time the credential got updated. |
Integer |
getId() Returns the ID of the connectivity policy. |
String |
getName() Returns the connectivity policy name. |
String |
getPassword() Returns the password defined in the connectivity policy. |
String |
getPasswordExpirationTime() When chosing password rotation set the expiration time in days. |
String |
getProxyDefinitionName() Returns the proxy definition. |
String |
getSudoDefinitionName() Returns the sudo definition. |
String |
getType() Returns the connectivity policy type. |
String |
getUsername() Returns the username defined in the connectivity policy. |
void |
setId(Integer id) Sets the ID of the connectivity policy. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the connectivity policy name. |
void |
setPassword(String password) Sets a new password for the connectivity policy. |
void |
setPasswordExpirationTime(String passwordExpirationTime) Sets the expiration time for the password of the connectivity policy (number of days or "Each Scan"). |
void |
setProxyDefinitionName(String proxyDefinitionName) Sets proxy definition. |
void |
setSudoDefinitionName(String sudoDefinitionName) Sets sudo definition. |
void |
setType(String type) Sets the connectivity policy type. |
void |
setUsername(String username) Sets a new username for the connectivity policy. |
Class DatabaseData
Represents a database service. Using the class you can query, update, create or delete database services.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getConnectivityPolicyName() Returns the database service connectivity policy name. |
Integer |
getHostId() Returns the unique ID of host item. |
String |
getHostName() Returns the host name. |
String |
getName() Returns the database service name. |
String |
getPort() Returns the database service port. |
String[] |
getScanningGroups() Returns all scanning groups that this database service is assigned to. |
String |
getType() Returns the database service type. |
String |
getVirtualIP() Returns the database service virtual IP address. |
void |
setConnectivityPolicyName(String connectivityPolicyName) Sets the database service connectivity policy name. |
void |
setHostId(Integer hostId) Sets the unique ID of the host item. |
void |
setHostName(String hostName) Sets the host name - CANNOT BE UPDATED - use this function only when adding new database service. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the database service name. |
void |
setPort(String port) Sets the database service port. |
void |
setScanningGroups(String[] scanningGroups) Sets the scanning groups for this database. |
void |
setType(String type) Sets the database service name - CANNOT BE UPDATED - use this function only when adding new database service. |
void |
setVirtualIP(String virtualIP) Sets the database service virtual IP address. |
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class DatabaseResourceData
Represents a database service as a member of business entity.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
Integer |
getHostId() Returns the host unique ID (in the system database). |
String |
getHostName() Returns the host name. |
String |
getName() Returns the database service name. |
String |
getType() Returns the database service type. |
void |
setHostId(Integer hostId) Sets the host unique ID (in the system database). |
void |
setHostName(String hostName) Sets the host name. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the database service name. |
void |
setType(String type) Sets the database service type. |
Methods inherited from class getRole, getSlaPolicyName, isRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities, setRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities, setRole, setSlaPolicyName
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class EntityData
Direct Known Subclasses: BusinessEntityData, BusinessEntityResourceData, ClusterData, DatabaseData, HostData, HostNodeData, SiteData, TicketData
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
Integer |
getId() Returns the entity unique ID as presented in the Database Views. |
String |
getPresentationName() |
void |
setId(Integer id) Sets the entity unique ID as presented in the Database Views - USE THIS FUNCTION ONLY FOR UPDATE OPERATIONS. |
Class FullCycleData
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getName() Returns the name of the Full Cycle entity. |
String |
getSchedule() Returns the scheduling of the Full Cycle entity. |
Class HostData
Represents a host. Using the class you can query, update, create or delete hosts.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getConnectivityPolicyName() Returns the host connectivity policy name. |
String |
getConnectivityStatus() Return the host connectivity status. |
Date |
getLastResetTimeForPassword() Returns the last time the host. |
String |
getName() Returns the host name. |
String |
getOperatingSystem() Returns the host operating system. |
String |
getPrimaryIP() Returns the host primary IP. |
String[] |
getScanningGroups() Returns all scanning groups that this host is assigned to. |
String |
getScanStatus() Return the host scan status. |
getScanTroubleshootingData() Return the scanning errors relevant to this host. |
String |
getSiteName() Returns the host location (site name). |
boolean |
isWorkingWithInitialPassword() Returns true if the host password has ever rotate. |
void |
setConnectivityPolicyName(String connectivityPolicyName) Sets the host connectivity policy name. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the host name. |
void |
setOperatingSystem(String operatingSystem) Sets the host operating system. |
void |
setPrimaryIP(String primaryIP) Sets the host primary IP. |
void |
setScanningGroups(String[] scanningGroups) Sets the scanning groups for this host. |
void |
setSiteName(String siteName) Sets the host location (site name). |
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class HostNodeData
Represents a host as a node in a cluster. Using the class you can query host cluster nodes.
HostNodeData( os)
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getName() Return host name. |
String |
getPrimaryIP() Return host IP. |
String |
getSiteName() Return the host's site. |
String |
getType() Return operating system. |
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class HostResourceData
Represents a host as a member of business entity. Using this class you can query the host members of business entities.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getName() Returns the host name. |
String |
getType() Returns the host type (operating system). |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the host name. |
void |
setType(String type) Sets the host type (operating system). |
Methods inherited from class getRole, getSlaPolicyName, isRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities, setRemoveFromOtherBusinessEntities, setRole, setSlaPolicyName
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class ReportTaskData
Represents a scheduled report task entity. Using this class you can query and update the scheduled report task entities.
ReportTaskData( task)
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getFormat() Returns the format of the scheduled report entity. |
String |
getFrequency() Returns the frequency of the scheduled report entity. |
String |
getId() Returns the ID of the scheduled report entity. |
String |
getName() Returns the name of the scheduled report entity. |
String |
getRecipients() Returns the recipients of the scheduled report entity. |
String |
getSubject() Returns the subject of the scheduled report entity. |
boolean |
isEnabled() Returns the enabled status of the scheduled report entity. |
void |
setEnabled(boolean enabled) Sets the enabled status of the scheduled report entity. |
void |
setFormat(String format) Sets the format of the scheduled report entity. |
void |
setFrequency(String frequency) Sets the frequency of the scheduled report entity. |
void |
setId(String id) Sets the ID of the scheduled report entity. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the name of the scheduled report entity. |
void |
setRecipients(String recipients) Sets the recipients of the scheduled report entity. |
void |
setSubject(String subject) Sets the subject of the scheduled report entity. |
Class ScanTroubleshootingData
Represents the scanning error entity associated with a scanned host. Using this class you can query the scanning error entities.
ScanTroubleshootingData(String severity, String type, String summary)
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getSeverity() Return the severity. |
String |
getSummary() Return the meaning of the event. |
String |
getType() Return the type. |
Class SiteData
Represents a site. Using the class you can query, update, create or delete site.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getDescription() Returns the site description. |
String |
getName() Returns the site name. |
void |
setDescription(String description) Sets the site description. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the site name. |
Methods inherited from class getId, getPresentationName, setId
Class TaskOnQueue
Represents a remote save, update or remove task executed using the Web Services.
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
String |
getId() Returns the task id. |
String |
getName() Returns the task name. |
String |
getStatus() Returns the task status: Pending or Running. |
Class TicketData
Represents a ticket summary entity. Using the class you can query the ticket summary entities
TicketData(Integer id, String summery)
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
Integer |
getId() Returns the ticket id. |
String |
getSummary() Returns the ticket summary. |
Methods inherited from class getPresentationName, setId
Class WorksheetData
Represents a comparison worksheet entity. Using the class you can query and update the comparison worksheet entities.
WorksheetData(AppUserData user, String name, String privacy, Boolean standbyAwareComparison)
Method Summary
Type |
Method and Description |
getAppUserData() Returns the user associated with the comparison worksheet. |
String |
getDbId() Returns the ID of the comparison worksheet. |
String |
getName() Returns the name of the comparison worksheet. |
String |
getPrivacy() Returns the privacy status of the comparison worksheet. |
Boolean |
getStandbyAwareComparison() Returns the standby aware comparison status of the comparison worksheet. |
Boolean |
isValid() Validate comparison worksheet (must have a non empty ID and an associated application user). |
void |
setAppUserData(AppUserData user) Sets the user associated with the comparison worksheet. |
void |
setDbId(String dbId) Sets the ID of the comparison worksheet. |
void |
setName(String name) Sets the name of the comparison worksheet. |
void |
setPrivacy(String privacy) Sets the privacy status of the comparison worksheet. |
void |
setStandbyAwareComparison(Boolean standbyAwareComparison) Sets the standby aware comparison status of the comparison worksheet. |
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