AvailabilityGuard enables users to define and validate your organization's standards for availability and data protection through Resiliency SLA policies. Such policies are commonly created per tier and describe the required redundancy level, RPO, replication, snapshots, log shipping (and more) for that tier. When an SLA policy is associated with a scanned system, AvailabilityGuard checks the actual configuration of the system and whether it meets the criteria defined in the policy. If an SLA policy violation is detected, AvailabilityGuard will open a ticket with the relevant details regarding the risk.
To define a Resiliency SLA policy, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the Configuration tab and select SLA Definition on the left bar.
- Click Add SLA Policy ().
- Define the Policy Name and Description.
- Navigate through the different tab and configure the criteria based on your organization objectives. When finished, click OK.
Example: Configuration of Resiliency SLA Policy
- To associate the policy with scanned systems, click on the Edit Selected Policy Assignment button ().
- Choose the systems to associate with the selected policy and click OK.
That's it. The next risk analysis will validate the policy you've defined and alert regarding any violations.
NOTE: AvailabilityGuard can automatically generate SLA policies by examining the configuration of the scanned infrastructure. Click on Automatically Detect Policies () to explore this option.
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