This page provides a list of recommended secure configuration checks for Dell EMC Unity and is periodically updated. Unity is a hybrid (SAN and NAS) midrange storage system from Dell EMC.
ID | System | Category | Configuration check |
K021100M0100 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Banner check |
K07110000105 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Cloud connection |
K041100MP110 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | CloudIQ status |
K071100MP115 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | default admin lockout |
K0711000P120 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | IPFilter status |
K051100M0125 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | IPMI IP ACL |
K071100M0130 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | IPMI Serial over LAN |
K021100M0135 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | IPMI status |
K071100M0140 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Lockout duration |
K071100M0145 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Lockout threshold |
K071100M0150 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Login Banner status |
K071100M0155 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | NFS share IP ACL |
K141100M0160 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Non-default local users |
K0711I0M0165 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Security administrator |
K0711I0M0170 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Session timeout |
K041100M0175 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | SMB ACL |
K071100M0180 | Dell EMC Unity | Access Control | Use of remote support policy manager |
K071100M0185 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Approved NTP servers |
K07110000190 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Approved syslog servers |
K071100M0195 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Audit Log retention |
K071100M0200 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Centralized log server |
K071100M0205 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Centralized log server redundancy |
K071100M0210 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | NTP server redundancy |
K071100M0215 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | NTP service status |
K071100M0220 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Required NTP servers |
K071100M0225 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Required syslog servers |
K091100M0230 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | syslog minimum severity level |
K071100M0235 | Dell EMC Unity | Audit Logging | Syslog protocol |
K071100M0240 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Approved Authentication server |
K071100M0245 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Authentication server configuration |
K071100M0250 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Authentication server is not secure |
K05110000255 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Authentication server redundancy |
K071100M0260 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | CHAP authentication mode |
K071100M0685 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Default password (service) |
K071100M0265 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Default password (Unisphere) |
K021100M0270 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Default passwords |
K071100M0275 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | IPMI default password |
K071100M0280 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | IPMI user list |
K1111I0M0285 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | LDAP authentication strength (NAS server) |
K0711I0M0290 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | LDAP SSL |
K0611I0M0295 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Maximum password age |
K071100M0300 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Minimum password length |
K071100M0305 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | NFS authentication cache |
K071100M0310 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | NFS secure mode (Kerberos) |
K041100M0315 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Password requirements |
K071100M0320 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Password reuse policy |
K0711000P325 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Required Authentication server |
K071100MP330 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | self-signed certificate |
K131100M0335 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | SNMP authentication protocol |
K051100M0340 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | SNMP community default string |
K071100M0345 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | SSO status |
K071100M0350 | Dell EMC Unity | Authentication | Windows authentication protocol |
K071100M0355 | Dell EMC Unity | Authorization | Anon user UID/GID |
K071100M0360 | Dell EMC Unity | Authorization | Approved admin group/user |
K071100M0365 | Dell EMC Unity | Authorization | Default NFS access rights |
K071100M0370 | Dell EMC Unity | Authorization | NFS share rights |
K021100M0375 | Dell EMC Unity | Authorization | SMB share rights |
K071100M0380 | Dell EMC Unity | Backup and Recovery | Data copies status |
K051100M0385 | Dell EMC Unity | Backup and Recovery | keystore backup |
K07110000390 | Dell EMC Unity | Backup and Recovery | Replication enabled |
K071100M0395 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | Approved BMC/BIOS version |
K071100M0400 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | Approved DNS servers |
K07110000405 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | Approved Proxy server |
K041100M0410 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | DNS server redundancy |
K071100M0415 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | DNS service status |
K071100M0420 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | IPv6 status |
K071100M0425 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | Packet reflection status |
K131100M0430 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | Required DNS servers |
K071100M0435 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | Target Unity Drive Firmware |
K0211000P440 | Dell EMC Unity | Configuration Management | Target Unity OE |
K071100M0445 | Dell EMC Unity | Data Integrity | SMB signing |
K071100M0450 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Central Certificate Authority (CA) status |
K071100M0455 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Certificate issuer |
K071100o0460 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Certificate public key algorithm |
K071100M0465 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Certificate signature algorithm strength |
K071100M0470 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Certificate Thumbprint Algorithm |
K1211I0M0475 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Certificate type |
K071100M0480 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | D@RE mode |
K071100M0485 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Encryption status |
K051100M0490 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | IPMI security |
K071100M0495 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Kerberos encryption strength |
K071100M0500 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | KMIP status |
K071100M0505 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Proxy server secure (use socks) |
K071100M0510 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | SMB Encryption |
K041100M0515 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | SMTP security |
K071100MP520 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | SNMP privacy protocol |
K071100M0525 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | SSL key bitcount |
K071100M0530 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Support proxy transport type |
K071100M0535 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | TLS level |
K071100M0540 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | TLS security level |
K071100M0545 | Dell EMC Unity | Encryption | Valid non-expired certificates are used |
K071100M0550 | Dell EMC Unity | Hardening | FIPS mode status |
K021100M0555 | Dell EMC Unity | Hardening | IPMI power control |
K07110000560 | Dell EMC Unity | Hardening | Restricted shell mode |
K0711I0M0565 | Dell EMC Unity | Hardening | root user |
K071100M0570 | Dell EMC Unity | Hardening | STIG mode |
K071100M0575 | Dell EMC Unity | Malware Protection | Antivirus scan enabled |
K071100M0580 | Dell EMC Unity | Monitoring | Approved SNMP trap hosts |
K071100M0585 | Dell EMC Unity | Monitoring | Email notification |
K071100M0590 | Dell EMC Unity | Monitoring | Remote support configuration |
K071100M0595 | Dell EMC Unity | Monitoring | Remote support status |
K041100M0600 | Dell EMC Unity | Monitoring | SMTP authentication |
K071100M0605 | Dell EMC Unity | Monitoring | SNMP minimum storage alerts level |
K071100M0610 | Dell EMC Unity | Monitoring | SNMP trap host configuration |
K051100M0615 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | Enabled SMB versions |
K071100MP620 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | HTTP status |
K071100M0625 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | iSCSI service status |
K071100M0630 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | NDMP service status |
K071100M0635 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | NFS security |
K071100M0640 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | NFS service status |
K071100M0645 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | NFS versions enabled |
K021100M0650 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | NIS enabled |
K0711I0M0655 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | SMB service status |
K041100M0660 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | SMBv1 status |
K071100M0665 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | SNMP status |
K121100M0670 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | SNMP versions enabled |
K071100MP675 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | SSH status |
K071100M0680 | Dell EMC Unity | Services and Protocols | Telnet service status |
... and more. |
NOTE: Security baseline checks should be performed also against additional components such as Dell EMC PowerShell for Unity, PowerPath, Unisphere and other related components.
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